
Monday, August 15, 2011

Make your own Body Scrub

Ok, why do you need a scrub? well not only it feels good, but it leaves your skin all soft and silky. You know how your skin goes all dry and greyish in the winter, well you wanna get rid of those dead skin cells because it really isn't pretty.
Scrubs are also great to boost circulation, so if you have a slow circulation, cellulite or water retention, that's great for you.
One scrub a month is great.

So what you need is
-30 ml of Oil, either avocado, wheatgerm, olive oil or even cheap almond oil. Almond oil is at about Rs60 rupees in pharmacies so it's the cheapest. I take olive oil from the kitchen. Ok ok don't go get your bottle of rani oil chicks, honestly!

- Then you can do your own feel good oil by adding a few drops of essential oil. I have given you a blend below for a better skin and also to relax you. Essential oils are extremely powerful so if you are going freestyle and using your own blend, PLEASE check for contra-indication. Do not be naive and go oh it's natural so it's ok ( i was doing my coolio voice there) Essential oils if used wrongly can be pretty hazardous. Here is the blend below and completely at the bottom of this post i have put the contra indications. Do not use them if you have one of the listed contra-indication.

Here is my blend for 30 ml of oil add
* 1 drop of fennel
* 3 drops of geranium
* 2 drops of grapefruit
Never shake the mixture, simply stir with your finger of with a clean spoon.

- Then you need a handful of salt. You can use sugar as well but mind the ants! You can add a few mint leaves to it for circulation. You'll enjoy the tingly feeling of mint. Or Lavender flowers, oh i love the smell of lavender. You can easily get lavender at Espace Maison et Jardin, they are at Rs150 or something.

That's it, we have everything to make our super sexy Scrub! The piss take with us human being is that we can't reach our backs so if you wanna get it right, it might be a good idea to get somebody else to do it. Yeah i know it sucks but unless you are elastic man or have super long and flexible arms, you won't be able to do it yourself. It might get messy as well so stand on an old towel so you can shake the excess of salt in the bin easily after. You don't want to go clean the bathroom after a pampering moment do you?

So first you will apply the oil, go bit by bit, start with one leg, apply the oil, then take the salt in your hands and use circular movement to exfoliate. Gentle movements, take it easy, no need to be harsh, the salt will sting if you scratch yourself, just use medium pressure. Scrub those dry knees and spend maybe a bit more time on thighs if you have cellulite. Do not forget the ankles and the sole of the feet! Then you go for the other leg and the rest of the body. But stop, not the face!! No salt is way to coarse for the face. When you've finished take a nice shower to remove the salt just water yeah, no shower gel or soap because you want to leave a film of oil. It will feel great tomorrow!

If you want a scrub for the face you can grind almond and oats and mix it in some honey, one table spoon of honey is enough. Again in slow circular movements scrub the face, specially in the nose and chin where you might have clogged pores and black heads. Then you rinse off with a splash of cold water.

Here we go we've got our first recipe, it's an easy one just to get novices going. Plus at the date i'm posting that i don't want you to go buy expensive ingredients. Salt you can get in your kitchen, oil as well! Those two will be fine, you don't have to get essential oils now.

I know it is not relevant, but listening to Nina Simone ''My baby Just cares for me'' while doing your scrub is really fun :-)

Please check for contra-indication for the blend i've given you. If you have one of those symptoms do not use the essential oil. It's ok to use the oil alone without essential oils.

Geranium may cause irritation on sensitive skin and contra-indicated during pregnancy

Grapefruit- do not go in direct sunlight 12-24 hours after using grapefruit essential oil

Fennel- Avoid during pregnancy, alcoholism, Epilepsy and when having liver problems.

Some people will try to sell you ''perfumes'' or ''essence'' and tell you it's ok, its the same. Please slap them for me it needs to be 100% essential oils otherwise it will cause skin irritation. Once a shop assistant tried to sell me those little oil that you put in burners and she told me it was ok to use on the skin! I went completely off my nuts!

Enjoy and let me know how it went and share it if you like it...

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